Prayer for Healing
Release date: August 15, 2020
Original Improv by Fran Schultz
Genre: Classical Crossover / Choral Instruments: Classical Ensemble, Full Brass, Droplets, Warm Arp Pad, Smart Strings

Special note: The composer of this piece has decided to make this piece "Prayer for Healing" available as a free download. This artist may make more of her music available as a free download. This is a test run to see how it goes, or doesn't go. If you download and share, please make attribution to this artist with the link to this website so that if they like it they can hear her other musical creations. You may not use this music for any video, film, podcast, etc., unless you are Pope Francis, (I kid you not) you must get permission from this artist. All Rights Reserved.

They say the best medicine is laughter. I agree. And, seriously, sometimes a serious piece of music is too, imho. The very idea that you are praying for healing is healing, whether it is for you or someone else. And we sure all could use some healing these days. Right? The intention of this piece was not to specifically create a piece of music about healing. It was a gift from a much higher place than my little self and I could discern that after deciding on its name. I listened to it 130 times before releasing to make sure it was just right. The music spoke what it was to be named. It is what it is. This is the joy of creating independently.

Thank you. Enjoy the music. With loving regards. Fran Schultz. (nee O'Connor)